Date of Construction: 1981 (620); 1952 (622)

Architectural Classification: Two Part Commercial Block (altered)

Survey Area: Downtown Libertyville

  • 620-622 N. Milwaukee Avenue Libertyville IL 60048
    42.289326, -87.954369
  • Building Details

    Building name:

    Ground Floor Use: Commercial

    Upper Floor Use: Unknown

    Current Occupant: Yo Froot Cafe`(620), Best Shoe Repair (622), Reliance of Hong Kong (622)

    Zoning: C-1

    Number of Stories: 3

    Property Index Number: 1116300150 (620),

  • Local

    Within Local District?: No

    Local Dist Contrib/Non-Contrib?: NC

    Local Landmark?: No

    Year: No

    Local Landmark Eligible?: No

    Criteria: No

  • National Register

    NR District Contrib/Non-Contrib: NC

    Within District?: No

    NR Landmark?: No

    Year: No

    NR Eligible?: No

    Criteria: No

    Alternate Address?: No

  • General Information

    Category: Building

    Condition: Good

    Integrity: Major alterations and additions

    Current Use: Commerce/Trade

    Historic Use: Commerce/Trade; Domestic - single dwelling

    Secondary Structure: Commerce/Trade; Domestic - single dwelling

    NR Second: Commerce/Trade; Domestic - single dwelling

  • Architectural Description

    Architectural Classification: Two Part Commercial Block (altered)

    Details: Two Part Commercial Block (altered)

    Other Year: 2012

    Date source: Permits

    Wall Material (Current): Stucco

    Wall Material 2 (Current): Brick

    Plan: Rectangular

    No of Stories: Rectangular

    Roof Type: Flat

    Roof Material: Not Visible

    Foundation: Not visible

    Porch: Not visible

    Window Material: Aluminum/vinyl

    Window Material 2: Aluminum/vinyl

    Window Type: Double hung & storefront

    Window Configuration: 6/1; 1-light

    Significance: 6/1; 1-light

    Historic Features: Building was originally 2 separate structures--a 1.5-story 19th-century gable front building at 620, and a two-story building at 622 built in 1952.

    Alterations: In 1981, the existing 19th-century structure at 620 was demolished and replaced with 2.5-story building. Although not indicated in permit file, it is likely that the existing facade of 622 was also substantially altered at that time to match the Neo-Tudor design of the new building at 620. Exterior was again remodeled in 2012, which reflects the current design of the building--2012 non-historic elements include false gable/stucco with brick detailing; replacement windows on facade of both buildings in altered openings; new, reconfigured storefronts on first floor; balcony and new openings along north elevation

  • Historic Information

    Old Address (city dir.year: In 1981, the existing 19th-century structure at 620 was demolished and replaced with 2.5-story building. Although not indicated in permit file, it is likely that the existing facade of 622 was also substantially altered at that time to match the Neo-Tudor design of the new building at 620. Exterior was again remodeled in 2012, which reflects the current design of the building--2012 non-historic elements include false gable/stucco with brick detailing; replacement windows on facade of both buildings in altered openings; new, reconfigured storefronts on first floor; balcony and new openings along north elevation

    Building Moved?: In 1981, the existing 19th-century structure at 620 was demolished and replaced with 2.5-story building. Although not indicated in permit file, it is likely that the existing facade of 622 was also substantially altered at that time to match the Neo-Tudor design of the new building at 620. Exterior was again remodeled in 2012, which reflects the current design of the building--2012 non-historic elements include false gable/stucco with brick detailing; replacement windows on facade of both buildings in altered openings; new, reconfigured storefronts on first floor; balcony and new openings along north elevation

    Moved From: In 1981, the existing 19th-century structure at 620 was demolished and replaced with 2.5-story building. Although not indicated in permit file, it is likely that the existing facade of 622 was also substantially altered at that time to match the Neo-Tudor design of the new building at 620. Exterior was again remodeled in 2012, which reflects the current design of the building--2012 non-historic elements include false gable/stucco with brick detailing; replacement windows on facade of both buildings in altered openings; new, reconfigured storefronts on first floor; balcony and new openings along north elevation

    Original Owner: In 1981, the existing 19th-century structure at 620 was demolished and replaced with 2.5-story building. Although not indicated in permit file, it is likely that the existing facade of 622 was also substantially altered at that time to match the Neo-Tudor design of the new building at 620. Exterior was again remodeled in 2012, which reflects the current design of the building--2012 non-historic elements include false gable/stucco with brick detailing; replacement windows on facade of both buildings in altered openings; new, reconfigured storefronts on first floor; balcony and new openings along north elevation

    Original Architect: Sutter & Associates (620 only)

    Architect Source: Permit (620)

    Builder: Permit (620)

    Surveyor: LR

    Surveyor Organization: Ramsey Historic Consultants

    Survey Date: May-June 2016

    Survey Area: Downtown Libertyville

  • Permit/Historic Information

    Old Address: Downtown Libertyville

    Date of Construction: Downtown Libertyville

  • Permit Moving Information

    Moving Permit #: Downtown Libertyville

    Date Moved: Downtown Libertyville

  • Original Permit Information

    Building Permit #: 523 (622); 81-279 (620)

    Date: 10/1/1952 (622); 11/10/1981 (620)

    Building Permit Description: two-story brick and concrete block business (622); two-story mercantile building (620)

    Cost: $15,000 (622); $120,000 (620)

    Original Owner Occupied?: $15,000 (622); $120,000 (620)

    Exterior Alteration Permits: 523 (10/1/1952)--2-story brick and concrete block business; 81-279 (11/10/1981)--erect two-story mercantile building with dwelling units at second floor ($120,000--620, attached to south side of existing building at 622); 97-574 (8/13/1997)--replace entry door (620-622 N. Milwaukee); JCR-11-0024 (2/29/2012)--renovate exterior facades (620-622)

    Other Permit Information: 523 (10/1/1952)--2-story brick and concrete block business; 81-279 (11/10/1981)--erect two-story mercantile building with dwelling units at second floor ($120,000--620, attached to south side of existing building at 622); 97-574 (8/13/1997)--replace entry door (620-622 N. Milwaukee); JCR-11-0024 (2/29/2012)--renovate exterior facades (620-622)

    COA Info: 523 (10/1/1952)--2-story brick and concrete block business; 81-279 (11/10/1981)--erect two-story mercantile building with dwelling units at second floor ($120,000--620, attached to south side of existing building at 622); 97-574 (8/13/1997)--replace entry door (620-622 N. Milwaukee); JCR-11-0024 (2/29/2012)--renovate exterior facades (620-622)

    Historic Info: 523 (10/1/1952)--2-story brick and concrete block business; 81-279 (11/10/1981)--erect two-story mercantile building with dwelling units at second floor ($120,000--620, attached to south side of existing building at 622); 97-574 (8/13/1997)--replace entry door (620-622 N. Milwaukee); JCR-11-0024 (2/29/2012)--renovate exterior facades (620-622)

    Other Sources: Assessor's photo from the 1970s on Illinois Digital Archives (in collection of Libertyville-Mundelein Historical Society and the Cook Memorial Public Library-- Sanborn Maps--1897 (Sheet 1), 1907 (Sheet 2), 1912 (Sheet 2), 1924 (Sheet 2), 1933 (Sheet 2), 1948 (Sheet 2)

    Historic Info Compiler: LR

    Volunteer: LR

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